53 research outputs found

    Towards efficient deep neural networks with applications to visual recognition

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    The thesis focuses on the following two topics: designing energy-efficient neural networks and hashing approach to make deep learning more feasible to real applications; deep convolutional neural networks for visual recognition.Thesis (Ph.D.) (Research by Publication) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 201

    Towards Effective Low-bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This paper tackles the problem of training a deep convolutional neural network with both low-precision weights and low-bitwidth activations. Optimizing a low-precision network is very challenging since the training process can easily get trapped in a poor local minima, which results in substantial accuracy loss. To mitigate this problem, we propose three simple-yet-effective approaches to improve the network training. First, we propose to use a two-stage optimization strategy to progressively find good local minima. Specifically, we propose to first optimize a net with quantized weights and then quantized activations. This is in contrast to the traditional methods which optimize them simultaneously. Second, following a similar spirit of the first method, we propose another progressive optimization approach which progressively decreases the bit-width from high-precision to low-precision during the course of training. Third, we adopt a novel learning scheme to jointly train a full-precision model alongside the low-precision one. By doing so, the full-precision model provides hints to guide the low-precision model training. Extensive experiments on various datasets ( i.e., CIFAR-100 and ImageNet) show the effectiveness of the proposed methods. To highlight, using our methods to train a 4-bit precision network leads to no performance decrease in comparison with its full-precision counterpart with standard network architectures ( i.e., AlexNet and ResNet-50).Comment: 11 page

    TasselNet: Counting maize tassels in the wild via local counts regression network

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    Accurately counting maize tassels is important for monitoring the growth status of maize plants. This tedious task, however, is still mainly done by manual efforts. In the context of modern plant phenotyping, automating this task is required to meet the need of large-scale analysis of genotype and phenotype. In recent years, computer vision technologies have experienced a significant breakthrough due to the emergence of large-scale datasets and increased computational resources. Naturally image-based approaches have also received much attention in plant-related studies. Yet a fact is that most image-based systems for plant phenotyping are deployed under controlled laboratory environment. When transferring the application scenario to unconstrained in-field conditions, intrinsic and extrinsic variations in the wild pose great challenges for accurate counting of maize tassels, which goes beyond the ability of conventional image processing techniques. This calls for further robust computer vision approaches to address in-field variations. This paper studies the in-field counting problem of maize tassels. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a plant-related counting problem is considered using computer vision technologies under unconstrained field-based environment.Comment: 14 page

    Fast Vision Transformers with HiLo Attention

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    Vision Transformers (ViTs) have triggered the most recent and significant breakthroughs in computer vision. Their efficient designs are mostly guided by the indirect metric of computational complexity, i.e., FLOPs, which however has a clear gap with the direct metric such as throughput. Thus, we propose to use the direct speed evaluation on the target platform as the design principle for efficient ViTs. Particularly, we introduce LITv2, a simple and effective ViT which performs favourably against the existing state-of-the-art methods across a spectrum of different model sizes with faster speed. At the core of LITv2 is a novel self-attention mechanism, which we dub HiLo. HiLo is inspired by the insight that high frequencies in an image capture local fine details and low frequencies focus on global structures, whereas a multi-head self-attention layer neglects the characteristic of different frequencies. Therefore, we propose to disentangle the high/low frequency patterns in an attention layer by separating the heads into two groups, where one group encodes high frequencies via self-attention within each local window, and another group encodes low frequencies by performing global attention between the average-pooled low-frequency keys and values from each window and each query position in the input feature map. Benefiting from the efficient design for both groups, we show that HiLo is superior to the existing attention mechanisms by comprehensively benchmarking FLOPs, speed and memory consumption on GPUs and CPUs. For example, HiLo is 1.4x faster than spatial reduction attention and 1.6x faster than local window attention on CPUs. Powered by HiLo, LITv2 serves as a strong backbone for mainstream vision tasks including image classification, dense detection and segmentation. Code is available at https://github.com/ziplab/LITv2.Comment: NeurIPS 2022 camera read

    SwitchGPT: Adapting Large Language Models for Non-Text Outputs

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    Large Language Models (LLMs), primarily trained on text-based datasets, exhibit exceptional proficiencies in understanding and executing complex linguistic instructions via text outputs. However, they falter when requests to generate non-text ones. Concurrently, modality conversion models, such as text-to-image, despite generating high-quality images, suffer from a lack of extensive textual pretraining. As a result, these models are only capable of accommodating specific image descriptions rather than comprehending more complex instructions. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel approach, \methodname, from a modality conversion perspective that evolves a text-based LLM into a multi-modal one. We specifically employ a minimal dataset to instruct LLMs to recognize the intended output modality as directed by the instructions. Consequently, the adapted LLM can effectively summon various off-the-shelf modality conversion models from the model zoos to generate non-text responses. This circumvents the necessity for complicated pretraining that typically requires immense quantities of paired multi-modal data, while simultaneously inheriting the extensive knowledge of LLMs and the ability of high-quality generative models. To evaluate and compare the adapted multi-modal LLM with its traditional counterparts, we have constructed a multi-modal instruction benchmark that solicits diverse modality outputs. The experiment results reveal that, with minimal training, LLMs can be conveniently adapted to comprehend requests for non-text responses, thus achieving higher flexibility in multi-modal scenarios. Code and data will be made available at https://github.com/xinke-wang/SwitchGPT

    Parallel Attention: A Unified Framework for Visual Object Discovery through Dialogs and Queries

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    Recognising objects according to a pre-defined fixed set of class labels has been well studied in the Computer Vision. There are a great many practical applications where the subjects that may be of interest are not known beforehand, or so easily delineated, however. In many of these cases natural language dialog is a natural way to specify the subject of interest, and the task achieving this capability (a.k.a, Referring Expression Comprehension) has recently attracted attention. To this end we propose a unified framework, the ParalleL AttentioN (PLAN) network, to discover the object in an image that is being referred to in variable length natural expression descriptions, from short phrases query to long multi-round dialogs. The PLAN network has two attention mechanisms that relate parts of the expressions to both the global visual content and also directly to object candidates. Furthermore, the attention mechanisms are recurrent, making the referring process visualizable and explainable. The attended information from these dual sources are combined to reason about the referred object. These two attention mechanisms can be trained in parallel and we find the combined system outperforms the state-of-art on several benchmarked datasets with different length language input, such as RefCOCO, RefCOCO+ and GuessWhat?!.Comment: 11 page
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